Thursday, November 13, 2008
Santa's Elk
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
A "Scarey nice" witch and Harry potter
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ward Halloween Party
The ward Halloween party was lastnight, the kids had a blast, they even went into the haunted house, Heather cried of course and Nick told some "guy" "hey dude leave my sister alone" The guy in question wasn't real, but hey, he atleast stood up for her. The only sad part about the evening was that Chris had to work.... We missed Dad:)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Drunks kids and Wally world
It is 12:23 a.m., why am I up? You ask.... well I gave my six year old benedryl for a rash she came home with from her aunts, and she is...... basically drunk, she is sitting on the potty crying, when I ask her what is wrong, she yells I can't tell you in a voice that I can only describe as Mr. Miagi on crack, So I thought since I have some time on my hands I thought I would blog, You know your getting older when 1. you actually care about politics and 2. you care and want to discuss the weather. IT IS FREAKING COLD already, I am a whimp when it comes to cold weather, so most would probably say that it wasn't cold, but this is my blog so I will say IT IS FREAKING Cold, I guess if your reading this in Utah you would say.. "IT IS FETCHING COLD YOU FETCHERS"
I saw that Obama was whining again about people being mean to him at his rallys.... (sad little Obama) This guy reminds me of the kid in school that would hit you at recess, and then tell the teacher that YOU did it. ( I miss recess)
My son Nick told me today that.. well here are his exact words " Mom, just to let you know you have a double chin" He said he never noticed it before... ( SIGH) We had the discussion that when people have double chins.... they are full aware of it. I guess it could be worse, he could of said it to a random Walmart shopper or something.... Speaking of Walmart... A good friend of mine said Walmart is a necessary evil.. I fully agree.....
When I am at Walmart my blood pressure rises, I like to get in and get out, most of the people there.... not so much, they saunter through, blocking my way. What the heck is there to look at? There is only so long that you can stare at a pound of hamburger before authorities should be called. The other day I was there and there was a man ( about my age) whistling like he was Johnny Appleseed, if you want to whistle, go on a hike, take a shower, or hang out with a train hopping hobo, but Walmart, come on dude! ( Sorry had to get that off of my chest)
Ok, my little drunken kiddo has decided that she can go to bed now so Buh bye!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Grandpa and Cedar city
A lot has been happening with us lately, let me feel you in ( like you care right:) Last week Chris's Grandpa, Uncle and Cousin came for a visit, I had never met them before, I fell in love with Grandpa Ben ( That is who our son is named after) he is so cute and sweet, I wanted to keep him:) I loved Chris's Uncle and cousin too, they were both so nice and funny, I can't wait to see them all again:)
Yesterday Heather and I came home from being in Cedar City for the week-end, we took a girl trip and met Beck and Ashlee up there, We didn't do much, we just hung out mostly in are cute hotel room, the girls played and Beck and I relaxed.. it was really nice to just relax and chat and watch out girls play together. Ashlee cracks me up, the things that come out of that girls mouth sometimes... Heather needed some alone time with Mom, she seemed relaxed and had a great time. It was so nice to see both of them.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Super Mom... NOT!!!!
I am going crazy, my daughter Mady, ( YeAH THATS RIGHT) is in the kitchen with me, I was trying to clean it, I brought her favorite toys in so she could play, what does she do, she finds the "Butt Paste" and trys to eat it. I gave her some goldfish to eat, what does she do? She puts them in in the vacuum ( don't ask), I ask her to be quiet, what does she do? She yells "HI" over and over at the top of her little lungs. As I write this she is doing some sort of toddler lord of the dance on our laminent floor. Ben is sleeping, for how long.. we shall see.
Well, Ben was woken up by the incredible dancing yelling Mady.... It is now 6:24 p.m. and my Mom came over and took Mady, Nick, and Heather out to dinner, Ben fell asleep and I am enjoying the quiet. I should finish cleaning the kitchen, I should do some laundry, I should pick up in the living room, my brain says yes, my body says SAY WHAT?
How do those Super Mom's do it? There houses are always clean, they look there absolute best and they are pleasant to be around!!!! Growing up I imagined myself to be like leave it to Beavers Mom...... The plain and simple truth is I am more like Marylin Manson.... or Charles Manson take your pick...... My house is never clean, I never look my best and well, lets face it, I am a grump! ......... SIGH!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Biden look a like
SIGH...... Ben is sleeping in his own bed now, It makes me sad, I loved having him in the room with me, pretty soon he will be off to college and I will be all alone... ok so I am being dramatic, I am a little sad though....
Anywho, our neighbors across the street put an Obama sign in there yard, my son plays with there son, when there son came over that night to play, my son made up a game called "republicans and Democrats" I looked out the window just in time to see my son attacking hm with a stick yelling "STUPID DEMOCRAT" Perhaps in our home we should discuss politics when the children are in bed") These neighbors are the ones who I think gave me that rude note a few months a go concerning our dog.... Typical.... Typical.... Obama probably put them up to it... ha ha... kidding.
I think I will be Sarah Palin for Halloween, although I look a lot more like Joe Biden ( Sigh) Nick and Heather really want me to dress up this year, Maybe I will just do my hair and make up for once, that could be my costume. :) Well I am off to bed with out my little Ben, my dreams have been political lately.. no more Fox news for a while...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
When I was about 8 years old, I can remember having to watch Ronald Reagan give a speech on the television, I remember being upset because we only had two channels and he was on both of them, so alas I had to miss different strokes ( What you talking about Willis?) For some reason I stayed with my Papa and watched the speech, being 8 I had know idea who this man was, but listening to him speak gave me such a good feeling inside, being grown up, I can now describe that feeling with one word, HOPE!
I was reminded of that feeling the other night as I watched Sarah Palin give her speech at the RNC, after she was done I felt HOPE!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Mormon Democrats
I have been blog hopping, going on other peoples blogs that I don't know, Most are LDS, and I have to say, Mormon Democrats are strange to me, almost as strange as being a gay republican, I don't understand how one could be LDS and be voting for Obama, he is for abortion, for crying out loud! he is also friends with a known terrorist who hates his own country ( AMERICA) I am not big into politics, but Mormon Democrats are strange to me, that's all I am saying.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Don't be a Sour puss!
I think it was three years a go that I was leaving my little Ashlee ( I was a nanny) and returning home to Grand Junction, That was a really hard time, I loved ( still do ) that little girl, but felt like it was time to be back in Colorado, now three years later I am married with 4 children ( my little niece has joined our family) and I feel like I have been a wife and Mom forever! Sometimes I feel like I have no time to myself, it gets a little mundane, but then I have to stop and think that it won't be this way forever, and when I look back I will miss this time when my children are young and innocent, that is hard to remember when I am trying to cook, do homework and am listening to screaming babies all at the same time, but I am blessed beyond words and am very grateful for my little family. Soooo.. now that I have sounded like a sappy nut, on to my real topic for my blog.....
Sourpusses, yep that's right I said sourpusses! Today in sacrament meeting my wild but yet adorable niece Mady was trying to give kisses to the people behind us, and they just sat there with stoic faces, and not only that, they kept letting out sighs like they were annoyed. It would have creeped me out if they would have actually kissed her, but come on people acknowledge a cute little girl. Darn Sourpusses!!!! Ben had a good day at church, he is so cute I love that he looks for me, he is going to start sleeping in his own bed soon, it makes me sad I love having him in the room with me. I bet those sourpusses put there kids in there rooms at birth:( DARN SOURPUSSES!!! :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Our little Benjamin turned three months yesterday, He celebrated by having a little to much formula to drink and partied in his bouncy till all hours in the morning.. ( my ill attempt at humor) I can't believe how much he is growing and learning, he holds his head up very well, and smiles and squeaks and rolls over and we love him so much! He has discovered his feet and they keep him quite busy:)
Another exciting thing happened yesterday, my Mom finally received permanent custody of my 14 month old niece Madysen, that is truly an answer to a lot of prayers, Mady's Mom is a Meth addict and a very disturbed girl, Mady has lived with my Mom pretty much since she was born.... We also love her very much and are grateful she is safe and in a loving environment:) Not to much else is happening, I am going 4 wheeling in the rhino tomorrow with my friend Katie... I can't wait to go speeding through the desert, wind in my hair, bugs in my teeth:)
Another exciting thing happened yesterday, my Mom finally received permanent custody of my 14 month old niece Madysen, that is truly an answer to a lot of prayers, Mady's Mom is a Meth addict and a very disturbed girl, Mady has lived with my Mom pretty much since she was born.... We also love her very much and are grateful she is safe and in a loving environment:) Not to much else is happening, I am going 4 wheeling in the rhino tomorrow with my friend Katie... I can't wait to go speeding through the desert, wind in my hair, bugs in my teeth:)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
1. Leave a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, re post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool. ( and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory i will assume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
More Randomness from a bored housewife
Well it has been a while since my last blog, update on the dog situation, it wasn't the neighbors I thought it was, actually I talked to her and she is very nice, just shy..... she told me she thought it was her neighbor, because she had heard her complaining about the dog, oh well, I am over it..... people are rude!!!
I don't really have much to blog about, the kiddo's are all doing great, Ben is up to 13 pounds and he is smiling now, he is doing better with his crying and has discovered he can suck on his hands:) Nick and Heather are happy to be back from Texas ( Their Mom had fleas in her carpet, probably from the EIGHT dogs she owns) Maddy is doing well also, My mom goes to court on the 14th to get custody, I hope all goes well.. Maddy is a blessing and we consider her half ours! :)
I had to give a talk in church a few weeks a go..... not fun.. I really don't like giving talks, I like the preparing.. I usually learn a lot, but the actual giving is awful, my hands shake, my voice quivers and my lips do this weird shake thing... I am sure I look like the lost love child of Elvis and Katherine Hepburn..... But the talk is over and I figure I have about another year before I have to give another one:)
We are fixing up our house ( slowly but surely) it is exciting and nerve racking at the same time, I have always struggled with patience, but someday it will be done:0 It already looks a lot better!
I am done rambling now.... Peace out( sorry Crystal)
Monday, June 23, 2008
I despise neighbors... Actually let me rephrase, I despise ignorant mean sneaky neighbors. I had a note on my door today that said in big letters PLEASE READ, and it was a mean letter about our dog ( actually my husbands dog) It asked us if our ears worked? Ya, so does my middle finger.. I know turn the other cheek, but come on.. just come over and talk to us, it also said they were going to get video proof of her barking... Big deal, from the looks of the letter I am not sure they can operate a video camera... dumb asses! I don't like the dog in question, she is old and smelly and probably should be put out of her misery.. But they could have come and talked to us, not threaten us... I have a feeling it is these not so friendly new neighbors across the street, but I am not sure. I wanted to go and ask them if they wrote it but I am afraid I will lose my temper, so I will just glare at them tomorrow ( yeah I have something to look forward too:)
Some people are stupid! I bet they feel very important right now, I would like to egg there house, but I won't...... I don't think:)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Blah blah
Ben will be one month on Saturday, It has gone by fast and slow, I don't know how to explain it, all of my days the last month have all run together, I have also been taking care of my niece Mady two nights a week, it goes pretty smooth until dinner time and then they both want fed, I am here a lone so it gets interesting to say the least. (Sigh) All in a day I guess. I miss Nick and Heather, I never thought I would say this, I miss Heathers little voice rambling on..............and on..............and on.................................. Heather has a voice kinda like Betty boop if she were to take a hit off of a helium balloon, it can grate a little, also she never stops talking, she even talks in her sleep :) Usually I tell her "I need five minutes" that means she has to be quiet for five minutes so I can regroup and prepare for the next round of questions and observations.... I really do miss it:) Nick sounds ready to come home... if I was a bad Mom I would let him have a big "I told you so" But I won't....
Ben looks to me like he is three months old, he is a big boy, maybe he will grow up to be a famous linebacker or something and make his lovely Mom and Dad rich:) I am sure he is well over ten pounds, I can't stop kissing him, he has the chubbiest cheeks that are great for Mommy kisses ( and Daddy too) He seems to like his bath the last couple of days, he lounges until we take him out of course, then.. well you know:)
Monday, June 2, 2008
Texas, Ben and fat bottom girls :)
Well I am sad to report that my kiddo's are on there way to Texas for the summer, they changed their little minds and went..... There Mom seemed okay to me, a lot happier then in the past still crazy though, but she seemed to pay attention to them and I hope she will try harder to get to know them. Chris and I prayed really hard abut it, and both came to the conclusion that she is their Mom and they had the right to go.... Sad.... I hope they have fun! :)
We are enjoying the newest addition to our family, I have probably taken over a hundred pictures of him:) I can't get enough kisses onto those chubby Little cheeks! And I feel great! I had a C section, I had a friend tell me " I am sorry you didn't get to experience labor" I'm NOT!!! I basically drove to the hospital and poof he was there 5 hours later:) I was sore for the first week, but now I feel great! I was under the care and watchful eye for a while from C-dawg ( shout out to ya C-dawg) I am even going to start exercising this week, You would think I would dread that, but I had a really bad experience in my Doctors office that has lead me to want to get under my pregnancy weight before I go back to see him ( in three weeks) I over heard two "nurses" discussing my weight, in a not so nice way. Sigh..... So I have a goal:)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Crazy Mommy's
SIGH!!!! So much to write, well as of now the kiddo's are not going to Texas..... YEAH!!!! But there was a whole fiasco... Heather my five year old told her Mom she was sorry but she wouldn't be coming to Texas either, I really wish she would have let her father tell her, But I think Heather was feeling left out of all of the drama, so the proverbial Poo hit the fan, the Mom started crying on the phone and then hung up. ( way to suck it up for your kids right?) Then about an hour later she called back wanting to speak to Nick my 8 year old, she said in a not so nice voice to him.. "Why don't you want to come see me?" Nicks response was I want to stay here with my new baby brother, Then she says .. "YOU BROKE MY HEART TONIGHT" Nick had this look on his face like someone had just died, I asked him if he was ok, his response was "No!" then he began to sob, I took the phone from him and said to her( Which I normally stay out of it and let their Dad handle it, but he was at work) "Please don't say things like that to him, you have upset him" Nick crawled into my lap and sobbed.... If she had been standing in front of me, I think I might have punched her.....
So she calls my husband and proceeds to insult me and say all kinds of intelligent things :) She told him to tell me to "But out" WOW!!! Chris and I were married on june 7th 2006, she dropped the kids off at our house on June 11th 2006, an I have been Mom ever since, should I have butted out then?
Yesterday morning Chris gets this e mail from her Fiance ( Mind you he is still married to his first wife, and Tanya moved in with him, when the poor wife still lived there) He is a guard at a jail in Texas, but some how thinks he is a lawyer, he stated that he had seen Tanya crying her eyes out and he couldn't stand by and watch that so he asked to see the parenting plan, basically he threatend Chris with knowing the law and such, HA HA... the parenting plan is null in void basically because she moved out of state, so Chris called him on it and told him to get in contact with our lawyer ( we don't have one:) We got a very humble e mail from the fiance a few hours later HA HA HA....
So now Tanya won't call the house because she hates me, so we have to have Chris have the kids call on his cell phone because she said she didn't want to take the chance of having to talk to me..... She is still coming to visit, but for only one day.... SHE IS going TO DRIVE FROM TEXAS TO COLORADO FOR ONE DAY!!!!!!
What a mess, the great thing is, is that my kiddo's are safe from her, they are not aware of the whole mess going on, Nick seems relived that he is not going for sure, and I don't ever have to talk to her on the phone again! HA HA HA!!!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thanks for the comments
Well thank you Crystal, I feel a little popular:) Thank you for your comments, tonight is family home evening and I think we will have a lesson on following the promptings of the spirit.. I like that one:) His sister doesn't want to go now, so I don't think they will be going, Yes they do need a relationship with their Mom, but that is their Moms responsibility, she calls for a few minutes a night and thinks that is all she has to do... she is a very damaged woman and I feel bad for her, but the damage has come from her bad decisions, honestly if anyone needs the gospel it is her, what a difference that would make for her, but she said once.. "I'm a baptist and I will die a Baptist" the funny thing is she didn't know what baptists actually believed in..... I don't think she is capable of thinking about anyone but herself, she comes first! Plain and simple, not a good situation for little ones.
On to another subject, I think my uterus is on strike, it is not wanting to cooperate with me walking today! My unborn child is dancing on my bladder and to top it off I feel like I have morning sickness again! I am due in two weeks! My nose looks like Michael Jacksons original nose and my feet look like Bilbo Baggins!!!! If I exert myself in anyway I wind up breathing like some sort of female version of Darth Vader( HA HA, I LIKE THAT ONE) Oh the joys of pregnancy!
Friday, May 2, 2008
I have a problem, ( some of you may think... "You have a lot of problems") my son doesn't want want to go to Texas with his Mom..... he prayed about it and said he received the answer that he was supposed to stay here with us.... so Chris told his Mom that Nick did not want to go.. she handled it a lot better then I thought she would... so Nick was relieved... SOOOOO last night he changes his mind.. " I just can't decide" he says to me...... I reminded him of his answer to his prayer.... it was to no avail.... how do I handle this? I really don't want him to go.. I have a bad feeling every time I think about it! Nick loves drama and attention, and I am sure that this is what this is all about.. but I DON"T WANT HIM TO GO!!!! HELP!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Well the shower was a blast!!!! I had a lot of fun, and my pals did a great job at throwing it!!!! My Grandma even played the musical baby game, I was very proud of her, actually Chris's 90 year old Grandma played too!!! I got a lot of really nice gifts! Now, if I could just get this little guy out of me:)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Supercalagragalistic.... YADA YADA YADA
I am excited I get to see Beck and Ashlee today.... They are coming for my Baby shower, Ashlee is going to stay the night with Heather and as she put it, we are going to "PARTY" ha ha:) I am a little nervous about my shower tomorrow, I hate being the center of attention..... and I am so dang emotional, what if I start crying over a cute onsie or something ( a genuine fear of mine) It will be fun I am sure:) I actually had a normal dream last night, I dreamed I had Ben, he was so cute and had a ton of dark hair, the best part was it didn't hurt:) Which I am sure is a fantasy:) But it was nice to dream something good instead of something that makes you ask, WTH...( Heck)
We went to dinner at my Mom's last night, it is fun to watch the kids play with Mady, they are still at the age where they don't feel like it is a job to entertain a baby, Mady loves it! I think she thinks they are her "Toy's" She is saying words now, like Bye Bye, and Thank you and Hello!... we love her so much!!!
Well I am off like a prom dress ( awful saying) to go and wash the car, well have someone else wash it as I have cankles now and look like the girl in Shallow Hal:(
Monday, April 21, 2008
I am amazed at some random blogs that I have visited, some are really funny, some are braggy ( hey there blog, there rules) and some are are just well, there aren't words. I like the one I recently went to where a young woman is freshly in love, You are on a cloud, nothing he does annoys you, you constantly celebrate this new found love, I remember that feeling ( almost three years a go) Now as I walk through the door and see three days worth of dirty socks lying on the floor, It is hard to be on a cloud:) HA HA.. It could be that I am knocked up about ready to Pop though :)
I was sleeping yesterday morning, a deep nice sleep..... when my cell phone rang, imagine my surprise to see that it was my kid's mother ( womb) calling at 7 a.m. I did not answer, then I heard hubby's cell phone ringing, he did not answer..... later when we all a rose from our beds, the kid's called her, she was calling so early to tell me to have the kids call her sister as it was her birthday..... NOT MY JOB!!!!!!! I think she has been to one to many square dances, Her new boyfriend excuse me fiance ( he isn't divorced from his other wife yet) is a piece of work as well..... she had her tubes tied at 24.. good thing, those two should not reproduce with each other:)
My niece Mady is staying with us again, she took her first steps yesterday, it was sweet, I love her very much. Her own Mother hasn't tried to see her for over a month now..... My Mom should be going to court again soon to get full custody.... I hope it works out, we would be very sad without our Mady:)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pressure, peeing and no sleep
Well almost a month until my due date.... am I excited you ask? HECK YA!!!! I don't care about the horrendous pain that lies in store for me, I want this little guy out of me!!!! It is getting harder and harder to walk.. yes I said walk, There is a lot of pressure in a not so nice area, my ankles are cankles now and I have to pee every ten minutes, sleeping is non-existent, and my mood swings are not pleasant for anyone.... Ahhh yes the joys of pregnancy :) Well the last few months anyway:) I am excited to meet our little boy!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
So I have been having some really strange dreams as of late, people tell me it is because I am preggers, I had one the other night in which David Letterman told me I had Mental problems, he then proceeded to throw baby ducks into a pond. I had another one in which I was talking to the original Elphaba ( Wicked) Idina Menzel, I told her she did a great job in Enchanted and her reply was "I KNOW" very snotty! But the strangest and most hurtful was a few nights a go I dreamed that my cute nice wonderful husband gambled away all of our money 50,000 dollars to be exact ( we don't have that much in real life, so I am not bragging) when confronted about it, he proceeded to tell me he doubted the baby was his!!!!! I was devastated and p/o at him when I woke up.. Lucky him:)
Dreams are really weird, where do they come from? Anywho, our little Ben is quite the mover and shaker as of late, he never stops moving it feels like, it is exciting, I am getting closer to birth... JOY, RAPTURE, FEAR, TORTURE!!!!!! ( Only slightly kidding)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Jaime Lee who?
I am sore... Why do you ask? Because I cleaned my house yesterday, actually I cleaned two rooms in my house, this morning I couldn't move, I felt like I had been skiing all day, ( minus the windburn of course) 9 weeks to go until our little bundle arrives, I can't wait.....!!!!! There will be no cleaning today, I am going to Target with C-dawg to register for my Baby shower, I wonder if I could talk her into pushing me in a wheelchair:)
My niece stayed with us lastnight, she actually stays every Weds and Thurs night, lastnight I couldn't tell if she had a tummy ache or was just mad ( She is 9 months) but the screams coming from that child would put Jaime Lee Curtis to shame ( of Scream Queen fame) So we played until 11: 15 when she finally blessed me with sleep:) It is giving me lots of practice:)
The kids hillybilly Mom's boyfriend asked Nick on the phone last night if Nick had a Myspace page yet.... Nick is eight, so now guess what Nick wants? H to E to the ( you get it) NO!!!!
I don't know who is worse the boyfriend or the "Mother" There Myspace pages are hilarious, they both profess there love for each other for all the world to share... I should print some of them off and send them to CMT titled "Hillbilly love letters".. or "LOVE" Appalachian style.....
I know I am being mean... Bu it is my blog, and if you had to deal with them, you'd be mean too!
Well I am off to groom....
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Bad Mom
Am I a bad Mom because of the excitement I felt this morning when I heard my Sons basketball coaches voice on the answering machine telling me that all games had been canceled? Am I an even worse Mom when I was again excited when the kid's Aunt called and said that their Grandma would be over to get them for a sleep over in twenty minutes? I am a lone here at my computer, no fights from upstairs, no "MOM is it to early for a cookie?" NO "Mom! Are you listening to me?"
If it was longer than a night I would miss them, but as of now I am going to relax and enjoy the silence:) Tonight I am going to the Central girls B-ball game, "ONLY" eighteen years a go I was playing for Central, (Sigh) to be so young and in shape again, there is something about walking into a gym ( any gym) that puts be right back to being in high school, I have decided that all gyms smell the same, like 40 year old sweat and angst ( I love it) I miss that feeling of being an " Athlete" While now I am a Mom and a wife ( and I do love that more then anything) no one stops me at the store to say, "Hey great game last night" Well Chris might, but that is a different story.. HA HA HA.. ( that one was for C-dawg)
Monday, January 28, 2008
I was sad to hear of President Hinckley's passing, but happy for him to be reunited with his cute little wife. He sure did a lot for the church in a short time, almost thirteen years:)
Chris and I just returned from Las Vegas yesterday, it was fun visiting with our good friends. I wish so bad that they could move here:( The weather was nice there in the 50's, not so much here:) I missed our little ones though and was happy to return.
My little niece is sick with a cold, it makes me feel so helpless when a baby is sick, her chest seems to be getting tighter and tighter, I hope she will be okay:( She is playing in her bed at the moment, and right when she starts to fall asleep, she coughs and wakes herself up, so the routine starts all over again:)
The kid's "Womb" had her weird boyfriend call Chris last night and ask about the kids coming down for the summer.... This guy's MYSPACE sight scares me , I know this is very judgemental for me to say, but he seems like a big ole perv! By law we have to let them go, but I don't want to! It is all just a game to her, they'll probably be down there for a week and she'll want to send them back! I really dislike her! Her and Her boyfriend set a wedding date for June of 2009, she was engaged once before to a different guy, they were going to get married also, guess when.. YEP JUNE! Chris and I were married in June, Coincidence? I think not. She still wears the wedding ring from her marriage to Chris, that is so creepy and wrong to me. Sigh... sorry.... It just feels good to vent about her. I love my little ones and want to protect them.. mostly from her:(
On to happier things, our little Ben is quite the mover and shaker, he really goes crazy at night... Right now it kinda feels like a little feather moving inside my belly.. it kinda tickles:) I still can't believe I am preggers... I can't wait to meet him!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Hill Billy Mama
Sometimes I wonder why some people have children. There are people out there that can't have kids and want them desperately and then there are those who don't want them, don't take care of them, but they get to have them. I am talking about my kid's "Mother" I like to refer to her as their "womb" because that is basically all she is. She posted a blog on her MySpace claiming how much she loves and misses them. I know I should not let it get to me, but a las... it is not in my nature to not react to such stupidity and dishonesty. If she loved and missed them, she would be here ( I do predict a return to Colorado for her, not because of her kiddo's but because of bad relationships and burned bridges, leaving her with no other place to go) she said in her blog she needed to get her life together in Texas.... Your life should be where your children are? Don't ya think? Basically all she cares about is having a boyfriend and having sex! Yes I know very blunt of me to say, but I wrote it a lot nicer than I thought it! I hope Nick and Heather don't inherit her decision making skills! I keep having these dreams that I tell her off.... it feels so good in my dream to do that, but then I wake up and am faced with the reality of having to be cordial to her for every ones sake. SIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!
Anywho, on a much happier note, our little Ben weighs 1 pound 2 ounces and is very healthy. I can't wait to meet him:) Also, my niece Mady has been staying with us for a few nights a week, while my Mom works. I have grown so attached to her! I hope the custody thing works out and she doesn't have to go back to her "Mother" (WOMB) I think we would all be devastated if that happened! Hubby and I are taking a little trip to Las Vegas on Friday.... We will be kid free ( Well except for Ben of course:) HA! I am looking forward to our trip. We haven't had a trip without the kids since our honeymoon! ( I don't think) Nick has started Basketball, I love it! He seems to be enjoying himself. His first game is tomorrow, they gave them all little sweatbands to put on there heads, he looks so cute in his, of course I told him he looked "cool" instead of cute:) K, enough rambling! BYE!
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