Monday, June 23, 2008


I despise neighbors... Actually let me rephrase, I despise ignorant mean sneaky neighbors. I had a note on my door today that said in big letters PLEASE READ, and it was a mean letter about our dog ( actually my husbands dog) It asked us if our ears worked? Ya, so does my middle finger.. I know turn the other cheek, but come on.. just come over and talk to us, it also said they were going to get video proof of her barking... Big deal, from the looks of the letter I am not sure they can operate a video camera... dumb asses! I don't like the dog in question, she is old and smelly and probably should be put out of her misery.. But they could have come and talked to us, not threaten us... I have a feeling it is these not so friendly new neighbors across the street, but I am not sure. I wanted to go and ask them if they wrote it but I am afraid I will lose my temper, so I will just glare at them tomorrow ( yeah I have something to look forward too:) 

Some people are stupid! I bet they feel very important right now, I would like to egg there house, but I won't...... I don't think:)


Calvin said...

been there, well not the egging

cryssal said...

Remember to be as I , and Stand for Truth and Righteousness! Take 'em down!

Robin said...

Just be careful. You never know who's living in your neighborhood. Just ask Mike and Becca, right?