Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blah blah

Ben will be one month on Saturday, It  has gone by fast and slow, I don't know how to explain it, all of my days the last month have all run together, I have also been taking care of my niece Mady two nights a week, it goes pretty smooth until dinner time and then they both want fed, I am here a lone so it gets interesting to say the least. (Sigh) All in a day I guess. I miss Nick and Heather, I never thought I would say this, I miss Heathers little voice rambling on..............and on..............and on.................................. Heather has a voice kinda like Betty boop if she were to take a hit off of a helium balloon, it can grate a little, also she never stops talking, she even talks in her sleep :) Usually I tell her "I need five minutes" that means she has to be quiet for five minutes so I can regroup and prepare for the next round of questions and observations....  I really do miss it:) Nick sounds ready to come home... if I was a bad Mom I would let him have a big "I told you so" But I won't.... 

Ben looks to me like he is three months old, he is a big boy, maybe he will grow up to be a famous linebacker or something and make his lovely Mom and Dad rich:) I am sure he is well over ten pounds, I can't stop kissing him, he has the chubbiest cheeks that are great for Mommy kisses ( and Daddy too) He seems to like his bath the last couple of days, he lounges until we take him out of course, then.. well you know:) 

1 comment:

cryssal said...

I need to see him, he will look like he is 2 by the time I get to see him! Tell him Auntie Crystal misses him and I haven't forgotten him!