Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Randomness from a bored housewife

Well it has been a while since my last blog, update on the dog situation, it wasn't the neighbors I thought it was, actually I talked to her and she is very nice, just shy..... she told me she thought it was her neighbor, because she had heard her complaining about the dog, oh well, I am over it..... people are rude!!!

I don't really have much to blog about, the kiddo's are all doing great, Ben is up to 13 pounds and he is smiling now, he is doing better with his crying and has discovered he can suck on his hands:) Nick and Heather are happy to be back from Texas ( Their Mom had fleas in her carpet, probably from the EIGHT dogs she owns) Maddy is doing well also, My mom goes to court on the 14th to get custody, I hope all goes well.. Maddy is a blessing and we consider her half ours! :) 

I had to give a talk in church a few weeks a go..... not fun.. I really don't like giving talks, I like the preparing.. I usually learn a lot, but the actual giving is awful, my hands shake, my voice quivers and my lips do this weird shake thing... I am sure I look like the lost love child of Elvis and Katherine Hepburn..... But the talk is over and I figure I have about another year before I have to give another one:) 

We are fixing up our house ( slowly but surely) it is exciting and nerve racking at the same time, I have always struggled with patience, but someday it will be done:0 It already looks a lot better! 

I am done rambling now.... Peace out( sorry Crystal)