Saturday, September 22, 2007


What a busy last two days it has been. Yesterday we ( mostly hubby) tore out all of our old disgusting cabinets, ripped up the linoleum( have no idea how to spell that) and scraped the old stuff that was still stuck to the floor. Today we put in our new floor, and most of our cabinets ( with the help of Geoff the great) I am pooped!!!! Hubby tried to hook our hot water back up tonight and it started leaking, so right now we have no water, don't think I will be going to church tomorrow, if I can not shower.

I had to give my little niece back yesterday, I won't bother blogging about it, it is to long and depressing. I really miss her today though, when I gave her a kiss goodbye she gave me a huge grin. I love her so much. I hope she is being taken care of:(

Well I am off to bed!