Monday, October 13, 2008

Drunks kids and Wally world

It is 12:23 a.m., why am I up? You ask.... well I gave my six year old benedryl for a rash she came home with from her aunts, and she is...... basically drunk, she is sitting on the potty crying, when I ask her what is wrong, she yells I can't tell you in a voice that I can only describe as Mr. Miagi on crack,   So I thought since I have some time on my hands I thought I  would blog, You know your getting older when 1. you actually care about politics and 2. you care and want to discuss the weather. IT IS FREAKING COLD already, I am a whimp when it comes to cold weather, so most would probably say that it wasn't cold, but this is my blog so I will say IT IS FREAKING Cold, I guess if your reading this in Utah you would say.. "IT IS FETCHING COLD YOU FETCHERS" 

I saw that Obama was whining again about people being mean to him at his rallys.... (sad little Obama) This guy reminds me of the kid in school that would hit you at recess, and then tell the teacher that YOU did it.  ( I miss recess) 

My son Nick told me today that.. well here are his exact words " Mom, just to let you know you have a double chin"  He said he never noticed it before... ( SIGH) We had the discussion that when people have double chins.... they are full aware of it. I guess it could be worse, he could of said it to a random Walmart shopper or something.... Speaking of Walmart... A good friend of mine said Walmart is a necessary evil.. I fully agree..... 

When I am at Walmart my blood pressure rises, I like to get in and get out, most of the people there.... not so much,  they saunter through, blocking my way. What the heck is there to look at? There is only so long that you can stare at a pound of hamburger before authorities should be called. The other day I was there and there was a man ( about my age) whistling like he was Johnny Appleseed, if you want to whistle, go on a hike, take a shower, or hang out with a train hopping hobo, but Walmart, come on dude!  ( Sorry had to get that off of my chest) 

Ok, my little drunken kiddo has decided that she can go to bed now so Buh bye! 


cryssal said...

I am wondering if it was the kid who was drunk?!

Mallory Clan said...

I love reading your blogs. They always make me laugh. I feel the same way about Wal-Mart. I HATE going but find myself there somehow at least once a week.

Burgon Fam said...

LOL...Im with Aimiss on this one...I LOVE reading your just know how to make us all laugh...even if your not meaning to.

Mike Wachel said...

I'm drunk right now! Okay, not really. Great post Amy. Really, I am not just saying that to be nice. Well...

The Wachel Family said...

You are so FETCHIN' right about the cold. Even here in Las Vegas. GEEEEZ. Great Post Aim...

Robin said...

Always fun going to Walmart!!!