Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So I have been having some really strange dreams as of late, people tell me it is because I am preggers, I had one the other night in which David Letterman told me I had Mental problems, he then proceeded to throw baby ducks into a pond.  I had another one in which I was talking to the original Elphaba ( Wicked) Idina Menzel, I told her she did a great job in Enchanted and her reply was "I KNOW" very snotty!  But the strangest and most hurtful was a few nights a go I dreamed that my cute nice wonderful husband gambled away all of our money 50,000 dollars to be exact ( we don't have that much in real life, so I am not bragging) when confronted about it, he proceeded to tell me he doubted the baby was his!!!!!  I was devastated and p/o at him when I woke up.. Lucky him:) 

Dreams are really weird, where do they come from? Anywho, our little Ben is quite the mover and shaker as of late, he never stops moving it feels like, it is exciting, I am getting closer to birth... JOY, RAPTURE, FEAR, TORTURE!!!!!! ( Only slightly kidding) 


cryssal said...

You always have weird dreams, I think they are extremely crazier now, but so fun to hear about.

Robin said...

Still not as crazy as my dream of giving birth to a popsicle stick. I hate dreams when you wake up mad at somebody. It seems like I am always mad at Aaron in those dreams.